Director of Vedic Astrology and Yagya Program
Offering a wide range of powerful Vedic technology solutions for improving ones life, spirit and mind.
Along with providing the pure knowledge of Jyotish, Pandit Sati teaches meditation and offers the special Guru Mantra to raise the consciousness of the individual and to make the life free from suffering. Through this technique of meditation thousands of people have realized bliss consciousness, which ultimately pave the way for enlightenment.
Guru Mantra
When in the olden days a disciple went to the family of the teacher in order to attain knowledge, he/she was taught a guru mantra or the Gayatri mantra at the time of the initiation to Vedic studies. For that reason the Gayatri mantra is called the very best mantra.
In the ancient times there was no other mantra than the Gayatri. In reality, Mother Gayatri is called the mother of the Vedas. One cannot describe the fruit gained by the worship of Mother Gayatri. It is capable to produce what one desires. The best choice is to choose Gayatri as Ishta. When someone has made this decision, the beginning of spiritual progress is established and he proceeds very quickly. Such a one was given as gurumantra by initiation (diksha).
The mantra is the essence of the Veda. In the way a mother gives birth to children, in that way all the Vedas proceed from it. Therefore, by the observance of the Gayatri and its repetition, all the Vedic knowledge is attained, and the practitioner becomes like the Veda.
The power inside of every man we consider as the Self or inner power. With the help of that great mantra we are successful in making this inner power or Self pure and strong. Just like men, women can also benefit from the observance of the Gayatri. Some experts in spiritual matters say that women benefit even more from it.
By such initiation the guru or Acarya makes the life of the disciple fruitful and sets him on the path of liberation.
Every member of a family should be initiated into a spiritual practice to supplement the knowledge obtained from worldly institutions. One should sit for one’s meditation with clean body and clothes. If one is ill, it is enough to wash the mouth and hands and to rub the body with a damp cloth. One should sit in on a seat of kusha grass or a mat in padmasan or siddhasan. Then one can meditate or do japa of the mantra. For japa a mala of tulsi or sandal wood with 108 beads can be used. The number of mantra repetitions should be at least 108 times in order to attain good results.

The meaning of yoga is “yoke”. In a spiritual sense it can be interpreted as the union of jivatma and paramatma. According to Maharishi Patanjali yoga it is cittavrttinirodhah, the control of the movements of the mind.
There are eight limbs of yoga, namely:
Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.
Yoga is an easy way of reaching enlightenment. The instruction of yoga is done by an expert in the field.
Performing Yoga, Dhyana and Samadhi is reached.
Dhyana is the natural concentration, which is the door to the inner self. The easiest method is to start with dhyana on the personal deity (ishta).
By meditation on the Ishta the internal consciousness is awakened. Through this awakening the qualities of the practitioner, his behaviour, his thinking, and his activities are improved, and his desires are easily reached. That is called the ishta siddhi, the supernatural power acquired by the grace of the Ishta.
In addition to that, improvement of health like lower blood pressure, reduction of heart diseases, increase of memory and peace of mind are reached through regular practice.